Frequent Asked Questions

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How Does Acupuncture Work?

Several processes have been proposed to explain acupuncture’s effects, primarily on pain. Acupuncture points are believed to stimulate the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord) to release chemicals into the muscles, spinal cord, and brain. These chemicals either change the experience of pain or release other chemicals, such as pain killers, anti-inflammatory, muscle relaxers, hormones, that influence the body’s self-regulating systems. The biochemical changes may stimulate the body’s natural healing abilities and promote physical and emotional well being. 

There are three main course of action. Conduction o f electromagnetic signals: Western scientist have found evidence that acupuncture points are strategic conductors of electromagnetic signals. Stimulating points along these pathways enables electromagnetic signals to be relayed at a greater rate than under normal conditions. these signals may start the flow of pain killing biochemicals, such as endorphins, and immune enhancing system cells to specific sites in the body, which are injured or are vulnerable to disease.
Activation of Opiod systems: Researchers has found that several types of opioids may be released into the central nervous system during acupuncture treatment, thereby, reducing pain. 

Change in the brain chemistry, sensation, and involuntary body functions: studies have shown that acupuncture may alter brain chemistry by changing the release of neurotransmitters and nero-hormones. Acupuncture has laso been documented to affect the parts of the central nervous system related to sensation and involuntary body function, such as immune reactions and processes, whereby, blood pressure, blood flow, and body temperature are regulated.

What can Acupuncture Help With? 

Many promising results have emerged. Currently, one of the main reasons that most people seek acupuncture treatments is for chronic pain, especially from conditions such as arthritis, lower back, mid back, neck, and knee pain. For example, acupuncture has proven effective in reducing adult postoperative and chemotherapy related nausea and vomiting as well as postopreative dental pain. There are situations such as headache, menopause, menstrual cramps, tennis elbow, fibromyalgia, myofascial pain, osteoarthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, addiction, stroke rehabilitation,and asthma, for which acupuncture may be useful as an adjunct treatment, as acceptable alternative, or included in comprehensive management programs.
Increasingly, acupuncture is complementing conventional therapies. For example, doctors may combine acupuncture and drugs to control surgery related pain in their patients. Some doctors have found it possible to achive a state of complete pain relief for some patients by providing both acupuncture and certain conventional anesthetic drugs.
They also have found that using acupuncture lowers the need for conventional pain killing drugs, therapy, reducing the risk of side effects that accompany the use of certain drugs.  

The following conditions can be treated with acupuncture and herbal medicine:

Severe/Dull Pain: Back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, knee pain, ankle pain, arthritis, sports sprains/strains, Degenerative disc, herniated disc, bulging disc, scoliosis, pinched nerve, nerve damage, sciatica, muscle tear, carpal tunnel, migraine headaches, bell’s palsy.

Fibromyalgia: Fatigue, muscle pain, soft tissue inflammation, depression.

Stress Management: Untreated stress, anxiety can lead to other associated health problems.

Women’s Health: Stop hot flashes, bloating, irregular cycle, mood swings, fatigue, weight gain, PMS and menopause.

Infertility Enhancement Therapy: Help promote pregnancy assisted reproduction therapy.

Allergies: Chronic/seasonal sinusitis, skin rashes.

Respiratory Disorders: emphysema, sinusitis, asthma, allergies and bronchitis.

Urogential Disorders: including stress incontinence, urinary tract infections, and sexual dysfunction.

Gastrointestinal Disorders: food allergies, peptic ulcer, chronic diarrhea, constipation, indigestion, gastrointestinal weakness, anorexia and gastritis.

Emotional and Psychological Disorders: including insomnia, dizziness, depression, anxiety, anxious and panic attack.

Gynecological Disorders: irregular, heavy, or painful menstruation, infertility in women and men, and premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and menopause.

Circulatory Disorders: hypertension and anemia.

Skin Disorders: acne, warts, eczema, or psoriasis.

Addictions: Alcohol, nicotine, and drugs.

What to expect after a treatment?

One may experiance an immediate total or partial relief of pain or other sysmptoms. This relief may be permanent or may last for some time. In some cases the pain may feel worse. This is called "rebound effect", by the next day the pain can be expected to gradually improve. Often the most dramatic results are experiance in the first treatment. However, one should see further improvement after each subsequent session. We recommend that you experiance a minimum of six sessions.

What is herbal therapy?

For over three thousand years, healers has recognized the theraputic value of herbs. Herbal therapy has traditionally been the treatment of choice for royalty. Today, the use of herbal remedies is increasingly widespread. Modern herbal therapists prescribe herbal remedies for a number of common illnesses with great success. Herbal therapy is natural, safe and effective. However, in order to achive maximum results it is imperative that the strictest standard be observed in the medicinal application of herbs. the quality of herbal remedies and formula for specific ailment very widely. Our expert therapist will carefully assess your physical need to determine appropriate herbal treatment protocols. then using only the highest quality herbs, our therapist will personally tailor a program for your physical needs.

How dose massage therapy work?

The stressful influences of everyday life can have serious health consequences. It is imperative that individuals learn to relax and release stress in order to maintain good health. Our massage therapist use their unique skills to reduce tension, enhance circulation and activate sensory receptors in the body. This therapy allows you to relax and prepare yourself to cope with the stress of everyday life.

Is acupuncture covered by insurance?

Our staff is trained to verify and obtain pre-authorizations for your therapy. Most insurance companies cover acupuncture therapy. Upon your visit a member of our staff will verify your benefits and its limitations for you prior to your therapy. Currently we accept workers compensation, personal / auto injury, cash, and PPO private insurance. In addition, our staff will be happy to process your insurance claims for you. For those patients with out health insurance or non coverage of acupuncture therapy by your insurance carrier, we have a varity of payment programs available for your needs. We have our own Supplemental Wellness Plan that gives our clients unlimited acupuncture, massage and chiropractic care. please contact us for more information.

Dose acupuncture hurt?

Acupunture is the most non-invasive modalatiy in health care industry. Acupuncture is safe and painless. However, we are penetrating the skin, therefore, one may feel a little prik, but nothing like getting an injection. Infact, most patients don't feel a thing and at some time durring the session most people fall a sleep. Acupuncture, in general, causes the body to produce endorphines. endorphins are chemicals released by the body that makes an individual feel relaxed and pain free.